اسئلة اختبار Pre-Tip في امريكا - امتحان CDL

نقدم لكم مجموعة من 25 سؤال من اسئلة اختبار Pre-Tip، من رخصة القيادة التجارية CDL في امريكا، جميع الأسئلة باللغة الإنجليزية، وبالإجابات، Pre-Tip CDL Test Questions with Answers.

اسئلة اختبار Pre-Tip - من امتحان CDL في امريكا

1. As part of your vehicle inspection test, you will inspect the exhaust system for leaks. Signs of leaks include rust and:
carbon soot.

2. Which of the following statements is true about the gauges?
When you start the engine, the oil temperature gauge should climb to the normal operating range.

3. The steering wheel should be checked for?
No play exceeding 2" or 10 degrees.

4. What should not be bent, damaged, or rusted through and should be evenly centered with the dual wheels and tires evenly separated?

5. Brake drums (or discs) must not have cracks longer than:
1/2 the width of the friction area.

6. Which of the following disengages the engine from the drive train so the vehicle won’t move and reduces the load on the starter motor?
Clutch / gearshift

7. Which of the following is not an engine compartment belt?
Safety belt.

8. When checking the air and electrical lines between the tractor and the trailer what should you be checking for?
The connection at the tractor, the lines for breaks cracks frays, the connection to the trailer, and that none of these are leaking.

9. Apply _________ and then try to pull forward gently. If it works properly, your vehicle shouldn't move.
the parking brake.

10. What, if loose or missing, may cause movement between the frame and fifth wheel assembly?
Locking pins

11. What should be fully engaged with no loose or missing pins in the slide mechanism of the sliding fifth wheel?
Locking pins

12. Most 5th wheels are adjustable for weight distribution and turn clearance, these are called sliding 5th wheels, they have a release that needs to be completely in and locked and a locking mechanism. What locks the 5th wheel in place?
Locking pins

13. Which tires should have a minimum tread depth of 4/32 of an inch?
Steering axle tires

14. If the coolant overflow container is not part of the pressurized system, to check the coolant level,
you can do either of the above.

15. What is the container (hoses) for the mechanism that transforms steering column action into wheel action?
Steering box / hoses

16. When inspecting the drum brake, you should look for all of the following EXCEPT
leaking fluids.

17. Which of the following is true about Brake drums?
Not out of round, no illegal welds, and no cracks.

18. Step 1 of the CDL air brake tests makes sure the leak rate of the red and blue line is not unsafe. With the parking brake released and the brake pedal applied the leak rate should be no more than?
3 PSI for a vehicle with no trailer, and 4 PSI for a combination vehicle in one minute.

19. When you check the Fuel tank you can also say you would check the same items on the air tanks. What should these two items be checked for?
Securely mounted, mounting bands and rubber grommets in good condition, lines between the tanks secure with no damage, and no leaks from the tanks or the lines.

20. During the pre-trip inspection, which of the following does NOT get checked at the rear of a trailer?
Landing gear

21. Which of the following do you NOT have to do during the in-cab inspection?
Check that the steps leading to the cab entry are solid, clear of objects, and securely bolted to the frame.

22. What carries air or hydraulic fluid to the wheel brake assembly?
Brake hoses / lines

23. Which of the following does not get checked in the engine compartment?
Oil pressure

24. What releases the fifth wheel locking jaws so the trailer can be coupled? (You should make sure that it is in the engage position and the safety latch is in place.
Release arm

25. When you pull forward, apply _________ and then check to see that the vehicle does not pull to either side.
the service brake

كانت هذه قائمة من 25 سؤال من اسئلة اختبار Pre-Tip في امريكا، من اختبار رخصة القيادة التجارية CDL، لا تنسي زيارة موقعنا "موقع إيزي عرب أمريكا" بإستمرار، لمشاهدة المزيد من الأسئلة.

أسئلة من اختبارات رخصة القيادة التجارية CDL في أمريكا:

يمكنك مشاهدة أسئلة اختبار القيادة في جميع ولايات أمريكا بالعربي وبالإجابات من هنا: اسئلة اختبار القيادة في امريكا بالعربي DMV.

إلي هنا يكون قد إنتهي المقال، نتمني أن ينال إعجابكم، وسنحاول إضافة المزيد من الأسئلة بإستمرار، لا تنسي دعم الموقع بمشاركته مع أصدقائك علي مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي لتشجيعنا، إذا كان لديك أي تعليق او استفسار يمكنك كتابته في تعليق بالأسفل وسوف نقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن، فريق عمل موقع إيزي عرب أمريكا يتمني لكم التوفيق.

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